Faculty and Staff
Steering Committee Members at Bryn Mawr
Steering Committee Members at Haverford
Imke Brust >
Assistant Professor of German
Email: ibrust@haverford.edu
Phone: 610-896-2972
Roberto Castillo Sandoval
Associate Professor of Spanish
Email: rcastill@haverford.edu
Phone: 610-896-1344
Matthew Farmer
Associate Professor and Chair of Classics
Email: mfarmer@haverford.edu
Maud McInerney
The Laurie Ann Levin Professor of Comparative Literature and Professor of English; Co-Chair of Comparative Literature
Email: mmcinern@haverford.edu
Phone: 610-896-1156
Jerry Miller
Associate Professor of Philosophy and Chair of Philosophy Department
Email: j1miller@haverford.edu
Phone: 610-896-1055
Luis Rodriguez-Rincon
Assistant Professor of Spanish
Email: lrodrigue1@haverford.edu
David Sedley
Associate Professor of French
Email: dsedley@haverford.edu
Phone: 610-896-1439
Emeritus Faculty

Contact Us
Comparative Literature
Old Library 103
Bryn Mawr College
101 N. Merion Avenue
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania 19010-2899
Phone: 610-526-5198
Fax: 610-526-7479
Shiamin Kwa
Co-Chair and Associate Professor of East Asian Languages and Cultures and Co-Director of Comparative Literature
Phone: 610-526-5671
Maud McInerney, Co-Director and Major Advisor
The Laurie Ann Levin Professor of Comparative Literature and Professor of English
Woodside Cottage 203, Haverford College
Phone: 610-896-1156
Leslie Diarra, Academic Administrative Assistant
Phone 610-526-5198